Install Metamask
How to Install Metamask Wallet?
Last updated
How to Install Metamask Wallet?
Last updated
For new users first of all please download the app in their website. You can do it as pointed in the orange arrows below.
Please choose your browser (Chrome / iOS/ Android) and click on the button: "Insrtal MetaMask for Chrome" (We will use Chrome for the example)
Select in the web store the button add or install
It will display a window that confirm that Metamask has been added
Finally the instalation it done and give us the welcome.
We are ready for the next step that is Setup the Metamask wallet to add Fantom Opera Network (please see here the setup)
As we are new, we will choose create a Wallet
Please see the notice below, read it and click the button "I Agree"
Please create a strong password, remember will be your wallet for the crypto assets.
After place and confirm the same password please click on the "Create" button.
They request to see the video in order to lear about the secret recovery Phase
After that please click the "Next" button
Fisrt it will appear locked the words with a gray area.
You need to click in the lock with gray area to reveal the words
After that, it show you the words and you could click in the "Next" button
WARNING: please keep very safe this words and not show to anyone. You will need the in order to recover your wallet. You need the exact position of them.
You need to click every word in the exact order that it was shown previously
Later clic on the "Confirm" button
Please read the tips display
Clic on the "All Done" button
It appear an annoucement, just close it in the "X" mark
Finally your wallet has been created
Remember that the default Network is the "Etherium Mainnet" and you need to setup other Networks depending on your needs,
For Olimpus tokens you will need to add the Fantom Opera Network. Please click here to setup it.