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First of all you'll need is to set up a wallet. Wallets are available both on desktop computers and on smartphone devices. You'll need to choose the wallet that fits your needs best.
In order to exchange Olimpus Tokens you need to use MetaMask Wallet (website) connected to the Fantom Opera network. Also you can see a short guide to how to install it here.
Please rememnber when you create an account, per default is only the Etherium network. You need to add manualy the Fantom Opera Network to Metamask wallet as shown below.
If you already have the Metamask app please follow the next:
Clic on your Network (f.e. Etherium Mainnet circled in orange)
Select network: Add Network
3. Setting:
🔹Network Name: Fantom Opera
🔹New RPC URL: https://rpc.ftm.tools/
🔹Chain ID: 250
🔹Currency Symbol: FTM
🔹Block Explorer URL: https://ftmscan.com/
Clic "Save" Button
4. Fantom Opera Network added
We already add the Fantom Opera Network to our wallet
Please use also this link: https://chainlist.org/
Search for the Fantom Opera Network
Clic Connect Wallet
It will appear a window
If you are not login into Metamask, it will ask to enter to it.
It will display and advise to allow this site to add a network, clic "Approve" button
It will display an advise that will switch the network.
Please clic "Switch network" button
Finally the network is done